ce 1.2.0
* @access protected
* @return string Name of the stylesheet.
protected function get_inline_dependency() {
return '';
* Is update required.
* Whether the CSS requires an update. When there are new schemes or settings
* updates.
* @since 1.2.0
* @access protected
* @return bool True if the CSS requires an update, False otherwise.
protected function is_update_required() {
return false;
* Parse CSS.
* Parsing the CSS file.
* @since 1.2.0
* @access protected
protected function parse_content() {
do_action( 'elementor/css_file/parse_content', $this );
$initial_responsive_controls_duplication_mode = Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->get_responsive_control_duplication_mode();
Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->set_responsive_control_duplication_mode( $this->get_responsive_control_duplication_mode() );
$name = $this->get_name();
* Parse CSS file.
* Fires when CSS file is parsed on Elementor.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$name`, refers to the CSS file name.
* @since 2.0.0
* @param Base $this The current CSS file.
do_action( "elementor/css-file/{$name}/parse", $this );
Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->set_responsive_control_duplication_mode( $initial_responsive_controls_duplication_mode );
return $this->get_stylesheet()->__toString();
* Add control style rules.
* Register new style rules for the control.
* @since 1.6.0
* @access private
* @param array $control The control.
* @param array $values Values array.
* @param array $controls The controls stack.
* @param array $placeholders Placeholders.
* @param array $replacements Replacements.
protected function add_control_style_rules( array $control, array $values, array $controls, array $placeholders, array $replacements ) {
$control, $controls, function( $control ) use ( $values ) {
return $this->get_style_control_value( $control, $values );
}, $placeholders, $replacements, $values
* Get Control Global Default Value
* If the control has a global default value, and the corresponding global default setting is enabled, this method
* fetches and returns the global default value. Otherwise, it returns null.
* @since 3.7.0
* @access private
* @param $control
* @return string|null
private function get_control_global_default_value( $control ) {
if ( empty( $control['global']['default'] ) ) {
return null;
// If the control value is empty, and the control has a global default set, fetch the global value and use it.
$global_enabled = false;
if ( 'color' === $control['type'] ) {
$global_enabled = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->is_custom_colors_enabled();
} elseif ( isset( $control['groupType'] ) && 'typography' === $control['groupType'] ) {
$global_enabled = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->is_custom_typography_enabled();
$value = null;
// Only apply the global default if Global Colors are enabled.
if ( $global_enabled ) {
$value = $this->get_selector_global_value( $control, $control['global']['default'] );
return $value;
* Get style control value.
* Retrieve the value of the style control for any give control and values.
* It will retrieve the control name and return the style value.
* @since 1.6.0
* @access private
* @param array $control The control.
* @param array $values Values array.
* @return mixed Style control value.
private function get_style_control_value( array $control, array $values ) {
if ( ! empty( $values['__globals__'][ $control['name'] ] ) ) {
// When the control itself has no global value, but it refers to another control global value
return $this->get_selector_global_value( $control, $values['__globals__'][ $control['name'] ] );
$value = $values[ $control['name'] ];
if ( isset( $control['selectors_dictionary'][ $value ] ) ) {
$value = $control['selectors_dictionary'][ $value ];
if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) && ! is_float( $value ) && empty( $value ) ) {
return null;
return $value;
* Init stylesheet.
* Initialize CSS file stylesheet by creating a new `Stylesheet` object and register new
* breakpoints for the stylesheet.
* @since 1.2.0
* @access private
private function init_stylesheet() {
$this->stylesheet_obj = new Stylesheet();
$active_breakpoints = Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->get_active_breakpoints();
foreach ( $active_breakpoints as $breakpoint_name => $breakpoint ) {
$this->stylesheet_obj->add_device( $breakpoint_name, $breakpoint->get_value() );
* Add repeater control style rules.
* Register new style rules for the repeater control.
* @since 2.0.0
* @access private
* @param Controls_Stack $controls_stack The control stack.
* @param array $repeater_control The repeater control.
* @param array $repeater_values Repeater values array.
* @param array $placeholders Placeholders.
* @param array $replacements Replacements.
protected function add_repeater_control_style_rules( Controls_Stack $controls_stack, array $repeater_control, array $repeater_values, array $placeholders, array $replacements ) {
$placeholders = array_merge( $placeholders, [ '{{CURRENT_ITEM}}' ] );
foreach ( $repeater_control['style_fields'] as $index => $item ) {
$repeater_values[ $index ],
array_merge( $replacements, [ '.elementor-repeater-item-' . $repeater_values[ $index ]['_id'] ] ),
* Add dynamic control style rules.
* Register new style rules for the dynamic control.
* @since 2.0.0
* @access private
* @param array $control The control.
* @param string $value The value.
protected function add_dynamic_control_style_rules( array $control, $value ) {
Plugin::$instance->dynamic_tags->parse_tags_text( $value, $control, function( $id, $name, $settings ) {
$tag = Plugin::$instance->dynamic_tags->create_tag( $id, $name, $settings );
if ( ! $tag instanceof Tag ) {
$this->add_controls_stack_style_rules( $tag, $this->get_style_controls( $tag ), $tag->get_active_settings(), [ '{{WRAPPER}}' ], [ '#elementor-tag-' . $id ] );
} );
private function get_selector_global_value( $control, $global_key ) {
$data = Plugin::$instance->data_manager_v2->run( $global_key );
if ( empty( $data['value'] ) ) {
return null;
$global_args = explode( '?id=', $global_key );
$id = $global_args[1];
if ( ! empty( $control['groupType'] ) ) {
$strings_to_replace = [ $control['groupPrefix'] ];
$active_breakpoint_keys = array_keys( Plugin::$instance->breakpoints->get_active_breakpoints() );
foreach ( $active_breakpoint_keys as $breakpoint ) {
$strings_to_replace[] = '_' . $breakpoint;
$property_name = str_replace( $strings_to_replace, '', $control['name'] );
// TODO: This check won't retrieve the proper answer for array values (multiple controls).
if ( empty( $data['value'][ Global_Typography::TYPOGRAPHY_GROUP_PREFIX . $property_name ] ) ) {
return null;
$property_name = str_replace( '_', '-', $property_name );
$value = "var( --e-global-$control[groupType]-$id-$property_name )";
if ( $control['groupPrefix'] . 'font_family' === $control['name'] ) {
$default_generic_fonts = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_current_settings( 'default_generic_fonts' );
if ( $default_generic_fonts ) {
$value .= ", $default_generic_fonts";
} else {
$value = "var( --e-global-$control[type]-$id )";
return $value;
final protected function get_active_controls( Controls_Stack $controls_stack, array $controls = null, array $settings = null ) {
if ( ! $controls ) {
$controls = $controls_stack->get_controls();
if ( ! $settings ) {
$settings = $controls_stack->get_controls_settings();
if ( $this->is_global_parsing_supported() ) {
$settings = $this->parse_global_settings( $settings, $controls );
$active_controls = array_reduce(
array_keys( $controls ), function( $active_controls, $control_key ) use ( $controls_stack, $controls, $settings ) {
$control = $controls[ $control_key ];
if ( $controls_stack->is_control_visible( $control, $settings ) ) {
$active_controls[ $control_key ] = $control;
return $active_controls;
}, []
return $active_controls;
final public function get_style_controls( Controls_Stack $controls_stack, array $controls = null, array $settings = null ) {
$controls = $this->get_active_controls( $controls_stack, $controls, $settings );
$style_controls = [];
foreach ( $controls as $control_name => $control ) {
$control_obj = Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->get_control( $control['type'] );
if ( ! $control_obj instanceof Base_Data_Control ) {
$control = array_merge( $control_obj->get_settings(), $control );
if ( $control_obj instanceof Control_Repeater ) {
$style_fields = [];
foreach ( $controls_stack->get_settings( $control_name ) as $item ) {
$style_fields[] = $this->get_style_controls( $controls_stack, $control['fields'], $item );
$control['style_fields'] = $style_fields;
if ( ! empty( $control['selectors'] ) || ! empty( $control['dynamic'] ) || $this->is_global_control( $controls_stack, $control_name, $controls ) || ! empty( $control['style_fields'] ) ) {
$style_controls[ $control_name ] = $control;
return $style_controls;
private function parse_global_settings( array $settings, array $controls ) {
foreach ( $controls as $control ) {
$control_name = $control['name'];
$control_obj = Plugin::$instance->controls_manager->get_control( $control['type'] );
if ( ! $control_obj instanceof Base_Data_Control ) {
if ( $control_obj instanceof Control_Repeater ) {
foreach ( $settings[ $control_name ] as & $field ) {
$field = $this->parse_global_settings( $field, $control['fields'] );
if ( empty( $control['global']['active'] ) ) {
if ( empty( $settings['__globals__'][ $control_name ] ) ) {
$settings[ $control_name ] = 'global';
return $settings;
private function is_global_control( Controls_Stack $controls_stack, $control_name, $controls ) {
$control = $controls[ $control_name ];
$control_global_key = $control_name;
if ( ! empty( $control['groupType'] ) ) {
$control_global_key = $control['groupPrefix'] . $control['groupType'];
if ( empty( $controls[ $control_global_key ]['global']['active'] ) ) {
return false;
$globals = $controls_stack->get_settings( '__globals__' );
return ! empty( $globals[ $control_global_key ] );