'input_container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-image-choices-' . sanitize_html_class( $field['choices_images_style'] ); foreach ( $properties['inputs'] as $key => $inputs ) { $properties['inputs'][ $key ]['container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-image-choices-item'; if ( in_array( $field['choices_images_style'], [ 'modern', 'classic' ], true ) ) { $properties['inputs'][ $key ]['class'][] = 'wpforms-screen-reader-element'; } } } elseif ( ! empty( $field['choices_icons'] ) ) { $properties = wpforms()->obj( 'icon_choices' )->field_properties( $properties, $field ); } // Add selected class for choices with defaults. foreach ( $properties['inputs'] as $key => $inputs ) { if ( ! empty( $inputs['default'] ) ) { $properties['inputs'][ $key ]['container']['class'][] = 'wpforms-selected'; } } return $properties; } /** * Get field populated single property value. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param string $raw_value Value from a GET param, always a string. * @param string $input Represent a subfield inside the field. May be empty. * @param array $properties Field properties. * @param array $field Current field specific data. * * @return array Modified field properties. */ protected function get_field_populated_single_property_value( $raw_value, $input, $properties, $field ) { /* * When the form is submitted we get only values (prices) from the Fallback. * As payment-multiple (radio) field doesn't support 'show_values' option - * we should transform value into label to check against using general logic in parent method. */ if ( ! is_string( $raw_value ) || empty( $field['choices'] ) || ! is_array( $field['choices'] ) ) { return $properties; } // The form submits only the sum, so shortcut for Dynamic. if ( ! is_numeric( $raw_value ) ) { return parent::get_field_populated_single_property_value( $raw_value, $input, $properties, $field ); } $get_value = wpforms_format_amount( wpforms_sanitize_amount( $raw_value ) ); foreach ( $field['choices'] as $choice ) { if ( isset( $choice['label'], $choice['value'] ) && wpforms_format_amount( wpforms_sanitize_amount( $choice['value'] ) ) === $get_value ) { $trans_value = $choice['label']; // Stop iterating over choices. break; } } if ( empty( $trans_value ) ) { return $properties; } return parent::get_field_populated_single_property_value( $trans_value, $input, $properties, $field ); } /** * Field options panel inside the builder. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param array $field Field settings. */ public function field_options( $field ) { /* * Basic field options. */ // Options open markup. $this->field_option( 'basic-options', $field, [ 'markup' => 'open', ] ); // Label. $this->field_option( 'label', $field ); // Choices option. $this->field_option( 'choices_payments', $field ); // Show price after item labels. $fld = $this->field_element( 'toggle', $field, [ 'slug' => 'show_price_after_labels', 'value' => isset( $field['show_price_after_labels'] ) ? '1' : '0', 'desc' => esc_html__( 'Show price after item labels', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'tooltip' => esc_html__( 'Check this option to show price of the item after the label.', 'wpforms-lite' ), ], false ); $args = [ 'slug' => 'show_price_after_labels', 'content' => $fld, ]; $this->field_element( 'row', $field, $args ); // Choices Images. $this->field_option( 'choices_images', $field ); // Choices Images Style (theme). $this->field_option( 'choices_images_style', $field ); // Choices Icons. $this->field_option( 'choices_icons', $field ); // Choices Icons Color. $this->field_option( 'choices_icons_color', $field ); // Choices Icons Size. $this->field_option( 'choices_icons_size', $field ); // Choices Icons Style. $this->field_option( 'choices_icons_style', $field ); // Description. $this->field_option( 'description', $field ); // Required toggle. $this->field_option( 'required', $field ); // Options close markup. $this->field_option( 'basic-options', $field, [ 'markup' => 'close', ] ); /* * Advanced field options. */ // Options open markup. $this->field_option( 'advanced-options', $field, [ 'markup' => 'open', ] ); // Input columns. $this->field_option( 'input_columns', $field ); // Custom CSS classes. $this->field_option( 'css', $field ); // Hide label. $this->field_option( 'label_hide', $field ); // Options close markup. $this->field_option( 'advanced-options', $field, [ 'markup' => 'close', ] ); } /** * Field preview inside the builder. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param array $field Field settings. */ public function field_preview( $field ) { // Label. $this->field_preview_option( 'label', $field ); // Choices. $this->field_preview_option( 'choices', $field ); // Description. $this->field_preview_option( 'description', $field ); } /** * Field display on the form front-end. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param array $field Field settings. * @param array $deprecated Deprecated array. * @param array $form_data Form data and settings. */ public function field_display( $field, $deprecated, $form_data ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh // Define data. $container = $field['properties']['input_container']; $choices = $field['properties']['inputs']; printf( ''; } /** * Validate field on form submit. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param int $field_id Field ID. * @param array $field_submit Submitted field value (raw data). * @param array $form_data Form data and settings. */ public function validate( $field_id, $field_submit, $form_data ) { // Basic required check - If field is marked as required, check for entry data. if ( ! empty( $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ]['required'] ) && empty( $field_submit ) ) { wpforms()->obj( 'process' )->errors[ $form_data['id'] ][ $field_id ] = wpforms_get_required_label(); } // Validate that the option selected is real. if ( ! empty( $field_submit ) && empty( $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ]['choices'][ $field_submit ] ) ) { wpforms()->obj( 'process' )->errors[ $form_data['id'] ][ $field_id ] = esc_html__( 'Invalid payment option.', 'wpforms-lite' ); } } /** * Format and sanitize field. * * @since 1.8.2 * * @param int $field_id Field ID. * @param string $field_submit Submitted form data. * @param array $form_data Form data and settings. */ public function format( $field_id, $field_submit, $form_data ) { $field = $form_data['fields'][ $field_id ]; $name = sanitize_text_field( $field['label'] ); $value = ''; $amount = 0; $choice_label = ''; $image = ''; if ( ! empty( $field_submit ) && ! empty( $field['choices'][ $field_submit ] ) ) { $amount = wpforms_sanitize_amount( $field['choices'][ $field_submit ]['value'] ); $value = wpforms_format_amount( $amount, true ); if ( ! empty( $field['choices'][ $field_submit ]['label'] ) ) { $choice_label = sanitize_text_field( $field['choices'][ $field_submit ]['label'] ); $value = $choice_label . ' - ' . $value; } if ( ! empty( $field['choices_images'] ) ) { $image = ! empty( $field['choices'][ $field_submit ]['image'] ) ? esc_url_raw( $field['choices'][ $field_submit ]['image'] ) : ''; } } wpforms()->obj( 'process' )->fields[ $field_id ] = [ 'name' => $name, 'value' => $value, 'value_choice' => $choice_label, 'value_raw' => sanitize_text_field( $field_submit ), 'amount' => wpforms_format_amount( $amount ), 'amount_raw' => $amount, 'currency' => wpforms_get_currency(), 'image' => $image, 'id' => absint( $field_id ), 'type' => sanitize_key( $this->type ), ]; } } compare – داروخانه دکتر سیده زهره حسینی

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