مقایسه محصولات در دسته شربت سرماخوردگی کودکان
, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
return $this->diffForHumans($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* @alias diffForHumans
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other
* instance given (or now if null given).
public function since($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
return $this->diffForHumans($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
* instance given (or now if null given) to current instance.
* When comparing a value in the past to default now:
* 1 hour from now
* 5 months from now
* When comparing a value in the future to default now:
* 1 hour ago
* 5 months ago
* When comparing a value in the past to another value:
* 1 hour after
* 5 months after
* When comparing a value in the future to another value:
* 1 hour before
* 5 months before
* @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|array|null $other if array passed, will be used as parameters array, see $syntax below;
* if null passed, now will be used as comparison reference;
* if any other type, it will be converted to date and used as reference.
* @param int|array $syntax if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
* - 'syntax' entry (see below)
* - 'short' entry (see below)
* - 'parts' entry (see below)
* - 'options' entry (see below)
* - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
* ` - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
* ` - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
* ` - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
* ` will be used instead of the glue for the last item
* ` - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
* ` - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
* - 'other' entry (see above)
* if int passed, it add modifiers:
* Possible values:
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE no modifiers
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW add ago/from now modifier
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
* Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
* @param bool $short displays short format of time units
* @param int $parts maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
* @param int $options human diff options
* @return string
public function to($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
if (!$syntax && !$other) {
$syntax = CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW;
return $this->resolveCarbon($other)->diffForHumans($this, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* @alias to
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
* instance given (or now if null given) to current instance.
* @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|array|null $other if array passed, will be used as parameters array, see $syntax below;
* if null passed, now will be used as comparison reference;
* if any other type, it will be converted to date and used as reference.
* @param int|array $syntax if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
* - 'syntax' entry (see below)
* - 'short' entry (see below)
* - 'parts' entry (see below)
* - 'options' entry (see below)
* - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
* ` - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
* ` - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
* ` - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
* ` will be used instead of the glue for the last item
* ` - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
* ` - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
* - 'other' entry (see above)
* if int passed, it add modifiers:
* Possible values:
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE no modifiers
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW add ago/from now modifier
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
* Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
* @param bool $short displays short format of time units
* @param int $parts maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
* @param int $options human diff options
* @return string
public function until($other = null, $syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
return $this->to($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current
* instance to now.
* @param int|array $syntax if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
* - 'syntax' entry (see below)
* - 'short' entry (see below)
* - 'parts' entry (see below)
* - 'options' entry (see below)
* - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
* ` - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
* ` - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
* ` - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
* ` will be used instead of the glue for the last item
* ` - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
* ` - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
* if int passed, it add modifiers:
* Possible values:
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE no modifiers
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW add ago/from now modifier
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
* Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
* @param bool $short displays short format of time units
* @param int $parts maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single unit)
* @param int $options human diff options
* @return string
public function fromNow($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
$other = null;
if ($syntax instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
[$other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options] = array_pad(\func_get_args(), 5, null);
return $this->from($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
* instance given to now
* @param int|array $syntax if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
* - 'syntax' entry (see below)
* - 'short' entry (see below)
* - 'parts' entry (see below)
* - 'options' entry (see below)
* - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
* ` - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
* ` - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
* ` - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
* ` will be used instead of the glue for the last item
* ` - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
* ` - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
* if int passed, it add modifiers:
* Possible values:
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE no modifiers
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW add ago/from now modifier
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
* Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
* @param bool $short displays short format of time units
* @param int $parts maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single part)
* @param int $options human diff options
* @return string
public function toNow($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
return $this->to(null, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from an other
* instance given to now
* @param int|array $syntax if array passed, parameters will be extracted from it, the array may contains:
* - 'syntax' entry (see below)
* - 'short' entry (see below)
* - 'parts' entry (see below)
* - 'options' entry (see below)
* - 'join' entry determines how to join multiple parts of the string
* ` - if $join is a string, it's used as a joiner glue
* ` - if $join is a callable/closure, it get the list of string and should return a string
* ` - if $join is an array, the first item will be the default glue, and the second item
* ` will be used instead of the glue for the last item
* ` - if $join is true, it will be guessed from the locale ('list' translation file entry)
* ` - if $join is missing, a space will be used as glue
* if int passed, it add modifiers:
* Possible values:
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE no modifiers
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW add ago/from now modifier
* - CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER add before/after modifier
* Default value: CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE
* @param bool $short displays short format of time units
* @param int $parts maximum number of parts to display (default value: 1: single part)
* @param int $options human diff options
* @return string
public function ago($syntax = null, $short = false, $parts = 1, $options = null)
$other = null;
if ($syntax instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
[$other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options] = array_pad(\func_get_args(), 5, null);
return $this->from($other, $syntax, $short, $parts, $options);
* Get the difference in a human readable format in the current locale from current instance to an other
* instance given (or now if null given).
* @return string
public function timespan($other = null, $timezone = null)
if (!$other instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
$other = static::parse($other, $timezone);
return $this->diffForHumans($other, [
'join' => ', ',
'syntax' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE,
'options' => CarbonInterface::NO_ZERO_DIFF,
'parts' => -1,
* Returns either day of week + time (e.g. "Last Friday at 3:30 PM") if reference time is within 7 days,
* or a calendar date (e.g. "10/29/2017") otherwise.
* Language, date and time formats will change according to the current locale.
* @param Carbon|\DateTimeInterface|string|null $referenceTime
* @param array $formats
* @return string
public function calendar($referenceTime = null, array $formats = [])
/** @var CarbonInterface $current */
$current = $this->avoidMutation()->startOfDay();
/** @var CarbonInterface $other */
$other = $this->resolveCarbon($referenceTime)->avoidMutation()->setTimezone($this->getTimezone())->startOfDay();
$diff = $other->diffInDays($current, false);
$format = $diff < -6 ? 'sameElse' : (
$diff < -1 ? 'lastWeek' : (
$diff < 0 ? 'lastDay' : (
$diff < 1 ? 'sameDay' : (
$diff < 2 ? 'nextDay' : (
$diff < 7 ? 'nextWeek' : 'sameElse'
$format = array_merge($this->getCalendarFormats(), $formats)[$format];
if ($format instanceof Closure) {
$format = $format($current, $other) ?? '';
return $this->isoFormat((string) $format);
private function getIntervalDayDiff(DateInterval $interval): int
$daysDiff = (int) $interval->format('%a');
$sign = $interval->format('%r') === '-' ? -1 : 1;
if (\is_int($interval->days) &&
$interval->y === 0 &&
$interval->m === 0 &&
version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.1.0-dev', '<') &&
abs($interval->d - $daysDiff) === 1
) {
$daysDiff = abs($interval->d); // @codeCoverageIgnore
return $daysDiff * $sign;